Green Village - Green Future
This non-profit is set up to support rural village development in East Africa. The emphasis of the work will be to help these villages
- develop green environments, providing clean water sources, cleaning up trash and waste problems, and help people become responsible stewards of their local land, water, air, and animal resources
- develop green business approaches, helping people build sustainable and logical business endeavors by providing consultation, training, and micro-loans for business development
- working with village leaders to reinvest new income into the community through health and educational investment
- engaging successful project villages in providing mentoring and micro-finance support for future village projects
Currently, Green Village has been registered as a US non-profit, and we are currently working to obtain IRS non-profit status, so foundations and donors can receive tax breaks for their donations. Stay tuned for more info, and visit the website to read more about the work of Green Village = Green Future. Click the link below:
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