Monday, April 02, 2007

First Day Back

Today was my first day back at St Jude since December. I spent the day talking with teachers and observing in classrooms, looking for evidence of progress in teaching techniques. The evidence was everywhere I looked - Rooms full of student work, word walls, and informational materials - Small group hands-on work going on in almost every classroom I visited - Highly engaging instruction and strong positive interaction between teachers and pupils. I can honestly say I saw more progress than I had ever expected. Work still to do, but so great to see teachers accepting the challenge so readily!

The photo above is of Mr. Peter (right, science) and Mr. Koringo (left, maths), two of the teachers who have been put in leadership positions at the school. In the coming year, Mr. Peter will be in charge of the new school campus at Usa River. In this photo, they are in deep discussion of the leadership book that we are using to discuss principles of democratic and shared leadership strategies. These two are a great find for the school, bringing knowledge, experience, and a strong commitment to the children and the goals of the school.


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